As a student you never know when you may need that extra bit of money to fund a book for an assignment or someone plans a great night out that costs that bit more so it's hard to budget sometimes for things you don't necessarily need but really really want i.e. beauty products! I have always wanted one of those beauty box subscriptions where you pay monthly but I never knew if I'd be able to pay it each month. Enter the Latest in Beauty collection boxes. I found out about this website from someone else's blog who was writing about their disappointing 'Glossy Box' and a follower had commented about Latest in Beauty so I went to check it out.
Basically their collection boxes are a one off purchase and vary in price depending on the box you want because there are many on the go at once. They have a list of all the items in the box and, unlike what I hear the subscription boxes do, they send you everything in the box so you won't have something different to someone else. To me, this is a much fairer and less stressful way of ensuring you get what you want in your box.
So you choose if you want the box at that time, choose if you want to buy a cheaper one or splash out on a slightly pricier one or just totally avoid it because you wouldn't use any of the stuff. This to me makes so much sense!
Price wise I think the subscription box services are roughly £12-14 and the box I have cost £14.95 which is a little pricier but you get better products, more stuff and no subscription. Also there are cheaper ones available.
Anyway, so that was a kind of long description of the boxes but hopefully it made some sense to someone! Onto what I got in my Glamour Beauty Edit Box...
I am super excited because very soon I will be posting in detail about all these products so watch out for that one!
You can buy this box for £14.95 (delivered) by clicking here.
I hope this post has helped those who didn't previously know what bloggers were on about when they talk about their 'Glossy boxes' or 'Birch boxes'.
See you in the next post!
L x